Wednesday, June 24, 2009

La Costena's Motto: 'Budget Meals, Yes! Bland Meals, No!'

/PRNewswire/ -- La Costena, manufacturers of the #1 selling jalapenos in the U.S., is on a mission to remind Americans budget cuisine does not have to equal bland cuisine in its fourth annual Feel the Heat Jalapeno Tour. The tour will highlight how it's affordable, easy and fun to add the taste of flavor to your everyday meals with La Costena products.

While cooking in a mobile and state-of-the art kitchen, the "Por Sabor" chefs will demonstrate to families how to use salsas, beans, and jalapenos to season every day meals. The tour will be featured at some of the nation's biggest family festivals.

"The 'Por Sabor' patrol will help families realize during these tough economic times they can still cook delicious and inexpensive meals," said Chef Xochitl Guzman. "We want to show budget-minded Americans how salsa, beans and jalapenos can infuse mouth-watering flavor to eggs, baked potatoes, grilled chicken, soups, and spaghetti sauce. You can even throw sliced jalapenos into the ultimate comfort foods when times are tough like macaroni and cheese, or try stirring jalapenos into cornbread, slide them atop a hamburger, or sprinkle a few slices in your Caesar salad."

$200 Award for "Spicy Sport" Winner

At each stop during the tour, La Costena plans to award $200 to the person whose taste buds can endure the "spicy sport" by speed eating jalapenos in one minute. Competitors may also attempt to beat the record by Los Angeles who ate 31 whole La Costena pickled jalapenos last year.

Food Feat Feeds the Hungry

Continuing with its tradition to serve the community La Costena has pledged to donate an assortment of its authentic Mexican food products to local food banks and hunger relief agencies for each jalapeno consumed during these contests.

Family Festival Stops

The La Costena Feel the Heat Jalapeno Tour will be featured at popular family festivals in several major cities. Among them are the Fiesta del Charro, Chicago, IL; Oxnard Salsa Festival, Oxnard, CA; Fiesta del Sol, San Diego, CA; Festival Peachtree Latino, Atlanta, GA; Viva! Chicago Latino Music Festival, Chicago, IL; Labor Day Festival, Chicago, IL; Fiestas Patrias, Chicago, IL.

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